Working with overlapping time periods in Python

Eerik Sven Puudist
4 min readMay 28, 2021

I was working on a project where we had to calculate the total working hours for each employee. If Jessica worked from 11.00 to 12.00 on one task and from 13.00 to 15.00 on another, she had worked three hours. But what if she worked from 10.00 to 15.00 and from 12.00 to 16.00? She could not have worked for nine hours while being in the office for just six hours. However, since people might work on two tasks at the same time, overlaps would not be forbidden.

To solve such a problem — and many others — , we shall implement a specific datastructure which could hold discontinuous time periods and enable to cope with the overlaps.

The Python standard library

First of all, let’s see what the Python standard library can offer us.

The core of Python’s date and time related functionality is the datetime package. It defines the datetime class, which represents a single moment in time. It also provides us the timedelta class, which represents a duration of time (such as four hours). However, as it does not have fixed beginning and end, it does not help us forward with the overlap problem: if you have just four hours and two hours, how would you tell, to which extent they overlap with each other!?

Hail to strictness

To assure that what we are about the develop meets our actual needs, let’s use the Test Driven Development methodology: we start with defining the requirements as tests and then write the code to get the tests to pass. Writing tests is time consuming and boring, but it helps us to understand what we need and verify that it has indeed been achieved.

So let’s formalize our requirements and start coding! Here is our simple Python module:



The requirements

A TimeRange can be initialized in three ways:

  1. Using datetime objects as its start and end.
  2. Using datetime as start and timedelta to indicate its duration.
  3. An empty TimeRange shall be initialized with an empty constructor.

Also, end cannot be before than start.

The tests

In, let us create our first unittest:

import unittest
from datetime import datetime

from timeset import TimeRange

start = datetime(2021, 5, 20, 12, 12)
end = datetime(2021, 5, 20, 14, 12)
string_repr = "TimeRange(start=datetime.datetime(2021, 5, 20, 12, 12), end=datetime.datetime(2021, 5, 20, 14, 12))"

class TimeRangeInitializationTest(unittest.TestCase):

def test_initialization_with_start_and_end(self):
t = TimeRange(start=start, end=end)
self.assertEqual(str(t), string_repr)

def test_empty_initialization(self):
t = TimeRange()
self.assertEqual(str(t), "TimeRange()")
def test_start_end_integrity(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
TimeRange(start=end, end=start)

if __name__ == '__main__':

The implementation

Now it is time to decide how we are going to store the data internally. Since there might be gaps inside the TimeRange, simply stroing start and end moments would not be enough. However, each discontinuous period can be broken down into a set of continuous periods.

To reduce the complexity we can make use of the divide et impera approach: if the problem seems too complex to solve, let’s break it down into a set of smaller steps which can be easily accomplished and then combined together to get the end result. In our case the smaller step would be dealing with one continuous time period.


from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from typing import overload, Optional, Set

class ContinuousTimeRange:
start: datetime
end: datetime
def __post_init__(self):
if self.start > self.end:
raise ValueError("Start cannot be greater than end.")

class TimeRange:

@overload # hint for the type checker
def __init__(self):

@overload # hint for the type checker
def __init__(self, start: datetime, end: datetime):

def __init__(self, start: Optional[datetime] = None, end: Optional[datetime] = None):
self.periods: Set[ContinuousTimeRange] = set()
if start and end:
self.periods.add(ContinuousTimeRange(start, end))
elif start or end:
raise ValueError("A `TimeRange` must have either none or both `start` and `end` specified.")

def __repr__(self) -> str:
return ' + '.join(
[f"TimeRange(start={repr(p.start)}, end={repr(p.end)})" for p in self.periods]
) or "TimeRange()"

Conversion to timedelta and boolean

The requirements

Just as we can create our object from standard Python datetimes, we should be able to convert it can to the standard types as well: storing data is pretty useless if it cannot be retrieved. We have already implemented the __str__, let’s implement the __bool__ method and conversion to timedelta next.

  1. The boolean value of TimeRange shall indicate whether it’s total duration is greater than zero.
  2. The timedelta representation of TimeRange shall indicate it’s total duration (all gaps excluded).

The code

Let’s add this to ContinuousTimeRange:

def as_timedelta(self) -> timedelta:
return self.end - self.start

And this to TimeRange:

def __bool__(self) -> bool:
return len(self._periods) != 0

def as_timedelta(self) -> timedelta:
return sum([p.as_timedelta for p in self._periods])

Implementing __contains__()

It would be nice — and useful later on — to be able to check whether a given moment is inside the TimeRange. Fortunately it is easy to do:

# timeset.pyclass ContinuousTimeRange:
# all the previous code not shown
def __contains__(self, moment: datetime) -> bool:
return self.start <= moment <= self.end
class TimeRange:
# all the previous code not shown

def __contains__(self, moment: datetime) -> bool:
return any([moment in p for p in self._periods])

